Labels:reckoner | sky | web site | window OCR: abcdefohiikl JOOOUW stuvwxyz ABCOEFGHIJKLMNOPQASTUVWXYZ 0123456 789 @# S%*[] .I{}\":;/? The brown iox jumps over the iazy dog The quick UmOJq jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the iazy dog. The quick OmoJq fox SOWN! JAAO the fzel dog. The quick UmoJq fox sdwn! over the lazy dog The quick UMOJq fOx Sown! over the hzei doo The quick UMOJq FOx sdwn? over the lazy ABCOEF FGHIJKL MAOPQASTUVWXYZ ouicl DmOJq fizel